Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ah, pregnancy...

Yes, I am almost 4 months postpartum, but I definitely want to share a little bit about my pregnancy- partially so that I remember it! My pregnancy was not an easy one. From the beginning, it was clear that it would be a long, difficult one. Being overweight proved to cause tons of problems for me. That being said, I am definitely on a journey to get healthy before I become pregnant again.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so happy and excited. Like most couples, we rushed to schedule an appointment to confirm the pregnancy so that the celebrations could really begin. Well, I tried to go to my normal OB, and she didn't take pregnant patients anymore, so I was referred to someone else in her practice. I still remember sitting in the waiting room for nearly an hour (and it felt like so much longer). We got called back and before we even saw a Doctor, the nurse did the normal pee in a cup, take your weight kind of stuff. She sat us down and told me that the Doctor didn't take "high-risk" pregnancies. They don't take patients that weight over 250 lbs (and I was around 260). I wouldn't be seen by a Doctor that day. She said that they did the urine test and that I was "probably" pregnant, and sent me on my way. I was a mess. Why someone would treat a newly pregnant woman that way is beyond me. Oh, but the sliver lining... This sent me on a search to find a new Doctor. That search led me to the best midwife I could ever ask for (Nicole Navarette). My midwife is actually the cousin of my best friend (and the sister of a very close friend in high school). I am so thankful that I found her because it was so valuable for me to find someone that I felt comfortable talking to and asking questions.

Throughout my pregnancy, I was plagued with constant nausea and vomiting. Once I threw up 19 times in one day and I took my butt to the ER for IV fluids. That had nothing to do with my weight or being high-risk. But my little one sure did love doing somersaults in my stomach (when she was delivered there was a huge knot in her umbilical chord- but more on that later).

Anyways, the "high-risk" was apparently my weight, coupled with gestational diabetes and possible (never fully-diagnosed) preeclampsia. For me, gestational diabetes was no big deal. As long as I ate *balanced* meals (carbs + protein + veggie), my sugar never really spiked, even if I had my sandwich on bread, or dessert. The big pain in the butt was visits to specialists. Towards the end of my pregnancy, I had to go EVERY WEEK to a specialist (plus every other week to my midwife), for a long appointment of an ultrasound and non-stress test. I got to the point where the goo from ultrasounds gave me anxiety, caused my blood pressure to rise (because I hate Doctors anyways) and then they started thinking I had preeclampsia. BUT, blood pressure was the only symptom of that that I ever had, and the two times they sent me to the hospital to be monitored, my BP was already down by the time I got in to be seen- go figure? The only plus side to all of the specialist visits? I got to see my baby a lot!

Anyways, it was all worth it. But I definitely want to be healthier next time around to save myself from all of the hassle. 

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